Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Reason For Goals

"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off the goal."  Henry Ford.

No matter what you hope to accomplish in your life, there will be times when things do NOT go as you had hoped (or planned).  These bumps in the road can often come at, what feels like, the most inopportune time.  And if you are not positive and focused, they can come in groups!  They compound and pile up until you feel like the universe is secretly working against you.

These bumps and obstacles put you in "reaction" mode.

These are the times when you (and I) need to revisit our goals!  Get them out and re-connect with them.  If you have not written them down, do it now!

The re-connection with your goals will drive you to projects that not only are you passionate about, but will give you a renewed sense of optimism and control.  You are not JUST focusing on the obstacles, you are driven back toward things that will get you on track.

Pull out the goals today.  Get in pro-active mode today.

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